Through the Bridgeport Beautification Grant, the goal is to improve the visual impact of qualifying properties in Bridgeport, Texas, thereby increasing the economic vitality of the community. Qualifying applicants may receive grants to help fund projects that will enhance the property and provide visual improvements to the facilities exterior appearance.
The objectives of the program include:
Stimulate redevelopment to increase sales tax revenues and property values
Encourage private investment in commercial businesses
Improve the community image
Bridgeport EDC requires that an application be submitted for review. Qualifying projects may include:
Building Facades
Parking/Access Improvements
Each application will be considered on a first-come, first-serve, and case-by-case basis. The Bridgeport EDC Board of Directors reserves the right to fund or not fund any project application. All funded projects will require a written contract outlining the considerations of the grantor and grantee. Bridgeport EDC will budget a limited amount of funding for the program and the program will be evaluated by the Bridgeport EDC Board of Directors and may be terminated at the Board's discretion.
The first step is to complete the application and specify, the proposed improvements for which funding is requested. In this case, grants will be awarded on a matching reimbursement basis. The total cost of the project is split 50/50 between the grant recipient and Bridgeport EDC. After the project application has been approved monies will be disbursed at the completion of improvements, contingent on a written agreement between the grant recipient and Bridgeport EDC.
All construction materials can be included in the application for funds, however, architectural fees and engineering estimate fees are not eligible.
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